Well.. getting close enough now anyways.
We've had a truly amazing year so far. After my last entry I got a 'job' painting Rob's work office building - 2 storys, just the inside. After 4 months of doing that it was time to start lokking for work, so I did up my resume, sent it out, got a phone call 20 minutes later, went to an interview 2 hours after that and started work the next day.
The great thing has been with this company I'm getting to do Graphic Design, which I am confident about, and I get to work school hours only. If I am running a little late due to 'stresses' they aren't concerned, and I have flexibility.. in fact last Friday morning I found out it was a student free day the following Monday, and they were great in giving me the time off to be able to take care of the kids (late notice to find someone).
So anyways, Jono this year.. is going great, his teacher is bringing him so much out of himself, he knows all the family by name and will call out for us... tonight a show came on that he knows his brother likes, so he sat calling out over and over.. Daniel, Daniel... Daniel was already busy watching the show that Jono had just abandoned (2 tvs = good and bad),
We've also had Jono in respite house this year, he goes from Friday arvo to Sunday arvo.. the first one, we took some time for Mummy and Daddy, the second weekend we took the other two out.. movies, dreamworld, iceskating, the things Jono doesn't cope quite so well with... and he went swiming and shopping and such.
We are also currently renovating, which means we've had bedroom walls pulled down in our room and proper ones up to the cieling in the cathedral ceiling area.. he's gotten into all kinds of mischief and I think I'll need to do a full house 'sweep' to see the things he's found and where he's put them.
All in good time, along with painting the walls of the reno's, clearing out the garden for summer, planning the outdoor landscaping, having bbq's and 'stuff'... there's always things to do :)